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labs: RenderQ


RenderQ is a drag and drop render queue app that will send Maya, After Effects, Nuke, C4D, and Shake renders to Terminal and queue them up for easy and efficient local rendering. Not only can this speed up render times in certain conditions, it allows for easily manageable renders for multiple applications, and the ability to queue them up in a single terminal window. Most importantly, this frees up the GUI version of your app if you need to continue working while rendering in the background.

It is easy to set preferences for the version of each app you are using, as well as enabling and disabling additional flags for each filetype. RenderQ will also automatically detect the filetype and submit the job accordingly.

Also included is RenderQ maitre d’ to pause and resume renders and will also show which render engine is currently active and the last job submitted to the queue.


QuickTime Version 1280×800 (92MB)

iPhone Version

Support for more apps could very well be coming in the future. A $0-25 donation is customary. I prefer to keep this sort of thing on the honor system rather than setting up some sort of direct cost. If you use this tool at a facility I suppose a site license will cost you $0-$1000. 🙂

Download: RenderQ_v1.2.1 (4MB .zip)

(when downloading a new release please reset RenderQ preferences)
[2010.10.28 – v1.2.1]:

-ask for actual path for each render engine
-checks for current preferences and resets if required
-fixed localization issue related to file type naming
-ask to save default flags for each renderer
-adjusted render_fin sound volume and added sleepmode sound

[2010.11.01 – v1.2]:

-added system sleep preferences
-Maya project preferences
-updated Nuke preferences to work with 32 and 64bit versions.
-improved preference setup for users not utilizing all applications.

[2010.09.26 – v1.1]:

-CINEMA 4D support added

[2010.06.01 – v1.0]:

-RenderQ_v1.0 released!

Enjoy! If there are any issues, concerns, or requests please contact: One thing I didn’t mention in the demo is that there is also a simple app included to reset the RenderQ preferences. It is quite possible there could be a few little bugs or improvements that could be made so don’t be afraid to contact me. Also, this app is free but feel free to donate, as many hours of work were put into it.


andrew hake
one man thinktank
