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labs. NukeView. . .

nukeview dock

After using Nuke for quite awhile now I have really started to like it’s built in viewer. It has easy controls to view multiple channels, simple region of interest, exposure and gamma controls, and proper keyboard shortcuts (jkl) for playback. I found myself often opening up Nuke just to use the viewer to take a look at renders and recently discovered while digging through the documentation that Nuke can be launched in viewer only mode using the command line. If you have ever visited this site before it is probably well apparent I am a fan of making AppleScript droplets for utilizing command line features of apps, and this was no different.

NukeView is a simple app that allows you to easily open an image sequence in the Nuke viewer without going through all the steps of opening the app, creating read nodes, finding the sequence, etc. You can simply drag and drop any file in the sequence onto NukeView and it will open Nuke in viewer only mode, then begin playback of the sequence.


QuickTime Version 1172×720 (50.6MB)

iPhone Version (15MB)

As mentioned NukeView expects the “filename.count.ext” naming syntax and that you actually choose or drag and drop one of the image sequence files, not the folder that contains them.

UPDATE: 2010.10.6 | For those downloading NukeView again after this date, make sure to reset preferences as they are now setup differently. NukeView will now ask for the full path of the Nuke executable. For those not familiar:

1. Right click on the Nuke app to “Show Package Contents” and find the Nuke6… executable alias (/

2. Reset preferences if you were using an older version of NukeView

3. Launch NukeView and it will ask you for the executable path, just drag and drop the Nuke executable (Grey UNIX file) from Finder into the open dialog.

Download: NukeView (1MB .zip)

-2010.5.17: developed basic functionality
-2010.5.28: redeveloped to allow opening and drag and drop of any file in sequence, NukeView will find how many characters are in the fileCount and open it accordingly.
-2010.10.6: updated for 64bit versions of Nuke (6.1v2…) that use new directory naming scheme. Please reset preferences before using this version.

Enjoy! If there are any issues or concerns please contact: Also, this app is free but feel free to donate like a maniac.


5 Responses

  1. Nick says:

    When dragging an image from a sequence onto NukeView it only seems to bring up 1 frame of the file. It automatically sets the frame range of the comp to (1,1). File naming convention is “SHOW_EPISODE_SCENE_SHOT_VERSION.0000.dpx” any reason why this might be? Using Nuke6.3v1. Thanks!

  2. jim joyce says:

    hey man!
    “executable alias”?, when i right click i dont get anything that “says” this term, i see a NukeView.icns image in the resources file , is that it?, but my bad because when i try to follow these types of instructions on line there is invariably some code speak that throws me off, its just not really clear to some of us, maybe just dummy it down that little bit. really neat app though, hoping to be able to use it if you could hit me back on that one questionable bit, thanks dude!

  3. Lenkzler says:

    Hi thank to good development

    But why I can only one frame image my name of img seq is “abcd.0001.tif”


    • Sina Sumany says:

      You probably haven’t checked the “sequences” box at the bottom in the read menu. If this box is not checked, you can only load the data you select (in your case: only the first frame). Checking the “sequences” box should solve your problem!

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