15 frames per second. That’s 1296000 an hour. Your brain doesn’t like it, not one bit.
These are almost always done by accident.
(click image to watch)

[15fps_0003 – 330frames] | prores | iphone | 2010.5.22
Music by Ekahwerdna

[15fps] – a project without a time-frame. . .
andoruhake.blogspot.com no longer exists in this world… it will be missed.
but with death comes life!
is born!
it took be awhile to find something that wasn’t already out there, but this is simple enough. now lets see if anyone can even find it now. the new site is hosted through DreamHost.com, for about $10 a year for the hosting and domain, end of the year special, definitely a great deal and good service, recommended. Basically if you can’t afford the $20/month or so from MediaTemple.com, DreamHost is the way to go I think.
www.thefauxmosapiencollective.com anyone? let me know if you guys want to buy a doman, it is about $10/year, as I most likely have more than enough hosting space to go around. it would great to get the fauxmo setup with a wordpress blog, rather than such a huge amount of blogspots. as you can easily setup multiple static “Pages” so you don’t have to deal with so many blogs.